Solutions for Every Rooftop Equipment Securement Need
Snow Retention
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
Safety, Access
& Egress
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing, or MEP, encompasses rooftop equipment and non-structural items that fall in those category types and need to be attached securely. Equipment such as pipes, conduit, HVAC units, electrical boxes and more need to be positively attached on a roof to prevent movement in a wind or seismic event, causing potential severe rooftop damage.
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing, or MEP, encompasses rooftop equipment and non-structural items that fall in those category types and need to be attached securely. Equipment such as pipes, conduit, HVAC units, electrical boxes and more need to be positively attached on a roof to prevent movement in a wind or seismic event, causing potential severe rooftop damage.